
The end of the line

From the latest issue of The Public Journal of Semiotics, Carolina Cambre (ULO): The Efficacy of the Virtual: From Che as Sign to Che as Agent. From The New Yorker, the voter-fraud myth: Jane Meyer on Hans von Spakovsky, the man who has stoked fear about impostors at the polls. From Vice, Aaron Lake Smith on the death of the American hobo: The National Hobo Convention reaches the end of the line; RIP men: An obituary for a gender; Kate Carraway on what girls hate — haaaaate; and Sam Clements interviews Hunter Moore, the most hated man on the Internet. Is it too late to not be a jerk? A discussion of the teachability of kindness. Alex Pareene on our terribly confused moderates: Centrists like David Brooks and Michael Bloomberg keep backing Republicans who simply don't share their views. From Crime Library, death in a bottle: Rachael Bell on the Tylenol terrorist. Attack of the Ivy League *holes: Every president since Reagan has been an Ivy Leaguer — and that’s not good. Men in funny hats still rule the world: Andy Capper interviews Adam Parfrey, author of Ritual America: Secret Brotherhoods and Their Influence on American Society.