
The tangle of race

Tamara Francita Lawson (St. Thomas): A Fresh Cut in an Old Wound — A Critical Analysis of the Trayvon Martin Killing: The Public Outcry, the Prosecutors’ Discretion, and the Stand Your Ground Law. John M. Kang (St. Thomas): Martin v. Malcolm: Democracy, Nonviolence, Manhood. Sherry Johnson interviews Michele Elam, author of The Souls of Mixed Folk: Race, Politics, and Aesthetics in the New Millenium. Post-racial America?: Judith Weisenfeld on the tangle of race, religion, and citizenship. Tom Davies reviews Not in Our Lifetimes: The Future of Black Politics by Michael Dawson. Tim Buckner reviews Whiting Up: Whiteface Minstrels and Stage Europeans in African American Performance by Marvin McAllister. How Dave Chappelle got bamboozled: An excerpt from Darkest America: Black Minstrelsy from Slavery to Hip-Hop by Yuval Taylor and Jake Austen (and more and more). Richard Morgan on "post-racial" comedy in the age of Obama. Why don't we hear about interracial dating much in GQ or Vogue, and other non-African-American media? Kevin Noble Maillard on interracial relationships in a post-racial world. Henry Louis Gates Jr. tells of his boyhood in the West Virginia town of Piedmont, where African Americans were second-class citizens but family pride ran deep.