
What is the meaning of philosophy for politics?

Daniela Cammack (Harvard): Aristotle on the Virtue of the Multitude. Nelson Lund (George Mason): A Woman's Laws and a Man’s: Eros and Thumos in Rousseau's Julie, or The New Heloise (1761) and The Deer Hunter (1978). Nandita Biswas Mellamphy (UWO): Nietzsche and the Engine of Politics. Menachem Mautner (Tel Aviv): Religion in Politics: Rawls and Habermas on Deliberation and Justification. James Sherman (Toronto): Figuring Out What to Value: A Formal, Dynamic, Endogenous Model of Rational Deliberation about Final Ends. Elizabeth Phillips on her book Political Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed (and part 2 and part 3 and part 4). John C. Rao interviews Christopher A. Ferrara, author of Liberty, the God That Failed: Policing the Sacred and Constructing the Myths of the Secular State, from Locke to Obama. Sophia Mason on Father James Schall’s “Final Gladness”: With a nod to Belloc, the respected theologian retires. Peter Berkowitz on Burke between liberty and tradition. What is the meaning of philosophy for politics? Santiago Zabala wonders. Here are the papers from the conference “John Rawls: Past, Present, Future” at Yale University.