
The difference between

Lars G. Tummers, Brenda Vermeeren, Bram Steijn and V.J.J.M. Bekkers (EUR): Public Professionals and Policy Implementation: Conceptualizing and Measuring Three Types of Role Conflicts. From the International Journal of Multicultural Education, a special issue on the past, present and future of multicultural education. From Technology Review, David Rotman on the difference between makers and manufacturers: Fans of 3-D printers and digital design tools argue that these technologies will transform the way we make goods — but can the “maker” movement really produce more than iPhone covers and jewelry? A terrifying problem for anesthesia is forcing medicine to confront an age-old question: What does it mean to be conscious? The Nudgy State: Joshua Keating on how five governments are using behavioral economics to encourage citizens to do the right thing. Martin Cohen reviews Against Fairness by Stephen Asma (and more and more). Stephen Asma on the myth of universal love: Expanding our ethical care to include all of humanity is a nice idea, but it involves a misunderstanding of the source of our empathy — emotions.