
As fresh as a cliche

A new issue of the Cato Institute’s Regulation is out. Lance McMillian (John Marshall): Adultery as Tort. As fresh as a cliche: Paula McGrath reviews Exploding the Creativity Myth: the Computational Foundations of Linguistic Creativity by Tony Veale. How do Armenians feel about Kim Kardashian’s fame? Henry J. Aaron on progressives and the safety net: Conservative extremism has made any talk of entitlement reform verboten on the left — that will ultimately be self-defeating. Jo Taylor reviews The Culture and Politics of Street Gang Memoirs by Josephine Metcalf. From Geocurrents, new discovery or corroboration of old theories: When did Roma leave India? Len Gutkin reviews Hip Figures: A Literary History of the Democratic Party by Michael Szalay. Noor Tagouri, a 19-year-old college student, wants to become the first Muslim hijabi anchorwoman in America. Tea Party circles in East Tennessee might seem an unlikely environment for launching a Muslim organization — Will Coley, a 31-year-old Tennessee native, Muslim convert and Tea Party activist did just that. Alvin Plantinga reviews Free Will by Sam Harris.