
The American Right, Center, and Left

James Lindgren (Northwestern): The Centrist Authoritarian. Brian Doherty reviews The Great Persuasion: Reinventing Free Markets Since the Depression by Angus Burgin (and more). From the University Bookman, P. Bracy Bersnak reviews After Tocqueville: The Promise and Failure of Democracy by Chilton Williamson, Jr.; the libertarian who loves Kirk: Gerald J. Russello interviews Bradley Birzer on the permanent things (and part 2); and (the future of) liberalism in our disordered age: Ted V. McAllister reviews Post-Liberalism: The Death of a Dream by Melvyn L. Fein. Leo P. Ribuffo on studying the American Right, Center, and Left — all at the same time. Charles Post reviews Reds at the Blackboard: Communism, Civil Rights and the New York City Teachers Union by Clarence Taylor. Teaching Marx at Harvard: An interview with Steven Jungkeit, author of Spaces of Modern Theology: Geography and Power in Schleiermacher’s World.