
To remember and to write

From FDL, a book salon on Generation Roe: Inside the Future of the Pro-Choice Movement by Sarah Erdreich. From the Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, here is the entry on political ecology by John P. Clark. From Constellations, ethics without normativity and politics without historicity: Seyla Benhabib reviews Judith Butler's Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism. Dancing in the Streets of Timbuktu: In Mali’s fight against extremists, women’s freedoms — not Islam — is the central issue. Forget 1984 and conspiracy stories, this is the real thing. The tsunami survivor who lost her whole family: Sonali Deraniyagala lost her husband, children and parents in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami — what has saved her is daring to remember and to write. Does the government deserve your DNA? Jeffrey Rosen on the crucial privacy case before the Supreme Court. Danny Postel on Hugo Chavez and the Middle East: Which side was he on?