
We finally have the answer

From Liberty Forum, Gordon Lloyd on the constitutional liberty of the Antifederalists (and two responses). Joanne Bamberger on Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Mayer, and America's new mommy wars: An elitist assault on working women? From Open Democracy, Kaushik Barua on the rise of the anti-politician. Et tu, chimp? The leader of a wild chimpanzee troupe was recently attacked by four of his underlings, who banded together to beat him to death. Leon Wieseltier on how a Darwinist mob is going after a serious philosopher Thomas Nagel. From Esquire, after years of trying to understand how Zimbabwe works, we finally have the answer: it's a diamond heist. Is gridlock a conservative victory? Amitai Etzioni wonders. Rick Searle on immortal jellyfish and the collapse of civilization. Jay Zawatsky on the real goal of a minimum-wage increase.