
Long live

From The Huffington Post, Michael Calderone on The American Conservative, the Right's most unorthodox magazine. Nicholas Adams on why theologians hate Hegel. From Roar, the revolutionary is dead; long live the revolution! Jerome Roos on Hugo Chavez. The Eternal Comandante: Jens Gluesing and Mathieu von Rohr on Hugo Chavez's complicated legacy. Bob Woodward's recent flap reveals a grotesquely swollen ego fed by 40 years of hero worship; Max Holland asks, why is this man an American icon? From, Tony Waters and Razib Khan debate Max Weber, Cavalli-Sforza, ethnicity, and population genetics. From Lifehacker, Alan Henry on how to avoid sounding like an idiot when discussing politics. Shocker: Civil rights agency did not discriminate against conservatives, whites.