
There’s no place like India

Ian St John reviews Land of the Seven Rivers: A Brief History of India’s Geography by Sanjeev Sanyal. The idea of Indians: Karuna Mantena reviews Righteous Republic: The Political Foundations of Modern India by Ananya Vajpeyi. There’s no place like India — which is precisely why its politics and economy are such a contradictory, beautiful mess. Confessions of a disillusioned libertarian: Will the political class of India step up or will the Indians themselves need to reform government and rid it of corruption? Democracy masculine: How do we neutralise the cultures of masculinism that are bred in our families, stalk our streets? Confronting the rules of rape: Shuddhabrata Sengupta on how a new generation of women stakes its claim to freedom. Joanne Manaster visits an India full of science and engineering. Can India become a great power? India’s lack of a strategic culture hobbles its ambition to be a force in the world.