
A new frontier

A “preview issue” of the new Brooklyn Quarterly is out. Cass Sunstein (Harvard): Constitutional Personae. From New York, Jonathan Chait on the anarchists of the House: The Republican Congress is testing a new frontier of radicalism — governmental sabotage; and what if everything we’ve come to think of as American is predicated on a freak coincidence of economic history, and what if that coincidence has run its course? Benjamin Wallace-Wells wonders. Bicycles are the new conservative enemy: The rise of bike-sharing programs has created an unlikely new target in the culture wars. Eolas, the grandaddy of patent trolls, has its ass handed to it by a court, finally. Alan Johnston on a gay island community created by Italy's Fascists. Christopher Mims on how 3D printing will explode in 2014, thanks to the expiration of key patents. John Paul Stevens reviews Bending Toward Justice: The Voting Rights Act and the Transformation of American Democracy by Gary May. Mining and corruption in Guinea: Patrick Radden Keefe on how Israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz wrested control of one of Africa’s biggest prizes. Erik Loomis on the environmental and human health effects of outsourcing garment production to Bangladesh (and more). Don’t send Summers to the Fed, says Felix Salmon. Republican spending mania has gotten nothing but worse; they've gone from fanaticism to — what comes after fanaticism?