
Exposure to politics

David T. Zaring (Penn): Against Being Against the Revolving Door. Stephane Wolton (Chicago): Good News for People Who Love Bad News: Biased Media and Political Agency. Leigh A Bradberry (Cal State Northridge) and Gary C. Jacobson (UCSD): Does the Tea Party Still Matter? Tea Party Influence in the 2012 Elections. Douglas Chalmers (Columbia): Putting Elections in Their Place: The Limits of Their Role in a Representative Democracy. Thomas J. Leeper (Aarhus): Byproduct Exposure to Politics. Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan on the most efficient office in the world: It’s run by the United States government. From The Monkey Cage, Andrew Gelman on a theory of the importance of Very Serious People in the Democratic Party; and can public broadcasting make us smarter citizens? John Sides investigates. Research suggests the Senate as an institution is much more responsive to wealthy constituents’ views than to middle- and low-income voters’ policy preferences. Kim Messick on the Tea Party’s paranoid aesthetic: To understand the powerful appeal of the movement to many of its adherents, a narrative history is first required. The trust issue: Pete Peterson on the problem with government isn't its size. Jonathan Chait on how it’ll take more than an apocalypse to unseat House Republicans. Scholarship in public: John Sides and Lynn Vavreck explain why they rewrote rules of how to publish in political science for their book on the 2012 presidential election.