
Things every environmentalist needs to know

From ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, a special issue on the politics of climate change. Dale W. Jamieson (NYU) and Marcello Di Paola (LUISS): Climate Change and Global Justice: New Problem, Old Paradigm? Timo Koivurova, Sebastien Duyck, and Leena Heinamaki (Lapland): Climate Change and Human Rights. David Leonhardt interviews Paul Sabin, author of The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth's Future. Super natural: Tim Dee on the rise of the new nature writing. Barry Silverstein reviews What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? How Money Really Does Grow on Trees by Tony Juniper. Is environmentalism a religion? Sure, why not! Polly Cleveland on why taxing carbon is like taxing diamonds. Is China the last hope for carbon capture technology? Since 2008, the world has committed $25 billion to carbon capture — with little to show for it so far. Judith Shulevitz on how to win a debate with a climate-change denier: Plenty of people deny science — but there are tricks that make communication work. Climate regulations could cost fossil-fuel firms trillions — should they be worried? Jonathan Chait on why the Keystone fight a huge environmentalist mistake (and a response). Al Gore and David Blood on the coming carbon asset bubble: Fossil-fuel investments are destined to lose their economic value — investors need to adjust now. A look at 6 things every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism.