
Domain of the political

Steven Klein (Chicago): A Cynical Turn: Max Weber and Hannah Arendt on Value, Domination, and Political Economy. Bryan-Paul Frost (Louisiana): The Case for Kojeve in His Dispute with Leo Strauss. Attila Gyulai (HAS): Between Tropology and Persuasion: Carl Schmitt’s Account of Rhetoric Reconsidered. James Nichols (Claremont McKenna): Why an End to History? Gregory T. Russell (Oklahoma): Voegelin as Philosopher and Realist: The Western Crisis and World Politics. John Laursen (UC-Riverside): Michael Oakeshott, Wendy Brown, and the Paradoxes of Anti-moralism. Zhang Guodong (Fujian Jiangxia): A Critical Interpretation of Leo Strauss’ Thoughts on Machiavelli. Andrew Arato (New School): Lefort, the Philosopher of 1989; Political Theology and Populism; and Multi-Track Constitutionalism Beyond Carl Schmitt. David M. Rasmussen (Boston College): The Emerging Domain of the Political. Nora Willi (Illinois): Surrender: An Essay on the Theory of Sovereignty and Alternative Possibilities. Steven B. Smith on two books about the legacy of Leo Strauss. Shmuel Lederman reviews Prophecy and the Perfect Political Order: The Political Theology of Leo Strauss by Haim O. Rechnitzer. What exactly did Arendt mean by “the banality of evil,” and is it really the case that she would say a whistleblower should simply turn herself in after the deed? Mark Lilla on Arendt and Eichmann: The new truth. Margarethe von Trotta’s biopic of Hannah Arendt is a film about ideas that remains intellectually detached from them.