
Latin America remains

Eugenia Demuro (ANU): Examining “Latinidad” in Latin America: Race, “Latinidad” and the Decolonial Option. Eugenia Demuro (ANU): The Lost Steps Revisited: The Critique of Western Modernity and the Search for Authenticity. Tomb of the Vulture Lord: Roger Atwood on how a king’s burial reveals a pivotal moment in Maya history. Uros people of Peru and Bolivia found to have distinctive genetic ancestries. From A Contracorriente, David Laraway (BYU): Back to the Future: Salvador Allende's Steampunk Chile; and football, history and politics in Chile: Matthew Brown reviews Citizens and Sportsmen: Futbol and Politics in 20th-Century Chile by Brenda Elsey. From the latest issue of the Caribbean Review of Books is out, David Knight Jr. reviews The Purloined Islands: Caribbean-US Crosscurrents in Literature and Culture, 1880–1959 by Jeff Karem. Anthony Peter Spanakos on Latin America's Left: Between demos and kratos. Pablo Brum on Jose Mujica and Uruguay's "Robin Hood guerrillas". Fernando Lucena on the last ever interview with the leaders of Peru's Shining Path guerrilla army. Who's to blame for Peru's gold-mining troubles? Stephanie Boyd investigates. Michelle Bachelet will be the next president of Chile — what this means for the country, however, is less clear. A report finds that Latin America remains the most unequal and most insecure region in the world. Santiago Arcos Veintimilla on La Cienega, Ecuador's childless village (and more). Americans may have the constitutional right to pursue happiness, but Venezuela now has a formal government agency in charge of enforcing it.