
A war still being waged

Robert Chesney (Texas): Postwar. John Hagan and Joshua Kaiser (Northwestern): A Separate Peace: Explaining War, Crime, Violence, and Security During and After the Surge in Iraq. Rumsfeld’s war and its consequences: Mark Danner reviews Known and Unknown: A Memoir by Donald Rumsfeld and By His Own Rules: The Ambitions, Successes, and Ultimate Failures of Donald Rumsfeld by Bradley Graham. Tom Gallagher reviews Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Talibanistan: Thomas Barfield on why America’s longest war has also been its Groundhog Day. Last spring, the remains of 10 missing Afghan villagers were dug up outside a U.S. Special Forces base — was it a war crime or just another episode in a very dirty war? One Marine officer concluded that the U.S. way of advising the Afghan National Army was hurting more than helping — so he came up with his own solution and changed the course of the conflict. Colin Wilhelm on writing the war: Distraught by his peers’ disengagement from a war still being waged, a shaken Afghanistan veteran helps fellow fighters put their war wounds into words. Penny Lewis on the myth of the hardhat hawk: In the popular imagination, opposition to the Vietnam War was driven largely by the privileged, while supposedly reactionary blue-collar workers supported the war effort — that memory is wrong. Phil Kukielski on how Grenada reshaped the US military: Three decades ago, a tiny war changed the armed services for good.