
Money, markets, and morality

George Bragues (Guelph): Is Achieving Freedom About Making a Lot of Money? An Interpretation of Fernando Pessoa's The Anarchist Banker. Andrzej Rapaczynski (Columbia): The Moral Significance of Economic Life. From the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Luigino Bruni (LUMSA) and Robert Sugden (East Anglia): Reclaiming Virtue Ethics for Economics; and Michael J. Sandel (Harvard): Market Reasoning as Moral Reasoning: Why Economists Should Re-engage with Political Philosophy. Christoph Hanisch (Vienna): Negative Goals and Identity: Revisiting Sen’s Critique of Homo Economicus. Dirk Helbing on how a new kind of economy is born: Social decision-makers beat the “homo economicus”. Peter E. Earl on why evolution wouldn’t favour Homo economicus. Want to make hunter-gatherers irrational? Expose them to free markets. Sorry, conservatives — basic economics has a liberal bias. The secular religions of progress: Robert H. Nelson on economic philosophies, environmentalism, and growth. John Cassidy on how the inefficiency of the market isn't an open question. Is scarcity over? Science keeps finding new ways to extract resources — should we stop worrying about not having enough? Money, markets, and morality: Edward Skidelsky reviews The Invention of Market Freedom by Eric MacGilvray, What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets by Michael Sandel, and Money: The Unauthorised Biography by Felix Martin. Don’t be fooled, values are inescapable — in life and in economics.