
What the social sciences have to tell us

The inaugural issue of Hydra: Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Studies is out. Herbert Gintis (SFI) and Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich): Homo Socialis: An Analytical Core for Sociological Theory. Phillip M. Carter (FIU): Poststructuralist Theory and Sociolinguistics: Mapping the Linguistic Turn in Theory. Bernd Reiter (USF): The Epistemology and Methodology of Exploratory Social Science Research: Crossing Popper with Marcuse. From Society, a symposium on Facts, Values, and Social Science. From Edge, what’s new in social science? A special event on the state of the art of what the social sciences have to tell us about human nature, HeadCon '13. Davide Vecchi reviews Arguing About Human Nature: Contemporary Debates, ed. Stephen M. Downes and Edouard Machery. John-Paul Smiley on the sociological imagination today: The need for biology. The Third Intellectual Project: Iddo Tavory on the social condition. David Banks on a social critique without social science. An excerpt from The Open Mind: Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human Nature by Jamie Cohen-Cole. Beyond Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: David Fields on the foundations for ethical political humanist social science. David Beer on an invitation to punk sociology. Oz Flanagan on the physicist and the social scientist. In economics, climate science and public health, computer models help us decide how to act — but can we trust them? Ben Williamson on the death of the theorist and the emergence of data and algorithms in digital social research. You can download The Post-Modern Significance of Max Weber's Legacy by Basit Bilal Koshul (2005).