
White supremacy’s long shadow

From the SPLC’s Intelligence Report, a special issue on the end of the Volksfront?; Mark Potok and Laurie Wood interview Derek Black and Corinna Burt on leaving white nationalism; Ryan Lenz on following the White Rabbit: Tim Murdock sits atop an online cult, spreading fears of “white genocide” that have fueled violence and terrorism; Don Terry on the Smiling Nationalist: Video blogger and Internet sensation Ramzpaul delights white nationalists and racists but calls himself a satirist; and Matthew Heimbach says White Nationalist ranks are plagued by “cowardice”. Confessions of a Right-wing shock jock: Jack Hunter says he’s not a racist — he just played one on the radio. White supremacists tried to take over a town: Here's the documentary. A judge in California finally decided the fate of a violent and damaged child who murdered his neo-Nazi father a few years ago, when he was just 10 years old — Amy Wallace reports on the tragic, impossible case of Jeff and Joseph Hall. No, the swastika can't be rehabilitated: An international effort to return the Nazi symbol to its peaceful roots is deeply misguided. How racist do you have to be before the New York Times calls you a racist? Rachel Tabachnick on the John Birch Society’s anti-civil rights campaign of the 1960s, and its relevance today. White supremacists protest Black History Month event in Harrison, Arkansas. Amy Davidson on Ted Nugent's “subhuman mongrel” slur, in translation (and more). White supremacy’s long shadow: An excerpt from A Dreadful Deceit: The Myth of Race From the Colonial Era to Obama’s America by Jacqueline Jones. The number of far-right extremist groups fell significantly in 2013 for the first time in a decade, the SPLC found in its annual count.