
A messy business

From Politics and Culture, a special issue on Materialist Feminisms Against Neoliberalism, including Sarah Amsler (Lincoln): For Feminist Consciousness in the Academy; Karen Bridget Murray (York): Feminization Through Poverty; Kate Gleeson (Macquarie): Abortion and Choice in the Neoliberal Aftermath; and Max Haiven interviews Silvia Federici on occupations and the struggle over reproduction. Francis Fukuyama on how American power is waning because Washington won't stop quarreling. Putin’s pique: David Remnick on the Russian President’s invasion. Russians will always be America's favorite villains — and now they're back. The unmaking of empires is a messy business: Timothy Garton Ash on how states are born by accident but sustained by ardour. The introduction to The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century by Angela E. Stent. James Kwak on Bitcoin and the myth of tech utopia: The belief that every human problem can be solved with software forgets the human element inside all software. Will Leitch on why Jason Collins and Michael Sam are heroes and, more importantly, forefathers. Matthew Shaer on raging against hacks with muckraker turned magazine-maker Matt Taibbi. Peter Brooks reviews The Double Life of Paul de Man by Evelyn Barish. The reckoning: The father of the Sandy Hook killer searches for answers. David Carr on barely keeping up in TV’s New Golden Age. This winter’s cold has been nearly exclusive to the eastern U.S. — there’ve been record-setting wildfires in California and in Norway, and Australia just racked up another hot and dry summer.