
The good, the ugly, and the simply awful

From Inkling, a look at the calculus of saying "I love you": Why you should never date a man who knows more math than you. An excerpt from Love and Language by Ilan Stavans and Veronica Albin. The good, the ugly, and the simply awful: Since we expect our celebrities to be beautiful, it's no surprise that we've acquired a clinical, critical eye for fine distinctions of physiology, scrutinizing the form and shape of the human face in Talmudic minuteness. A review of Latin Love Lessons: Put a Little Ovid in Your Life by Charlotte Higgins.  From Psychology Today, a look at how sex can be a selfless act—those who are very warm and those who are very cold get around; and sure, we know better than to lie to a partner about our sexual history if it's likely to threaten our health. So why do many of us do it anyway? Children of the Porn: The Supreme Court contemplates lying about porn in the real world. Racist porn stars: There's a tangible streak of racism running through the adult entertainment industry.