
Not your dad’s academy

David A. Reidy (Tennessee): Social Justice, the University, and the Temptation to Mission Creep. From Class, Race, and Corporate Power, Thomas Breslin (FIU): Race, Class and the Promise of the Public University; and Ronald W. Cox (FIU): The Corporatization of Higher Education. Noam Chomsky on the death of American universities: As universities move towards a corporate business model, precarity is being imposed by force. Danny Vinik on how Obama is cracking down on for-profit colleges — and liberals should applaud him for it. Community of equals: Richard Kahlenberg on how few elites give much thought to community colleges, but they educate 44 percent of our undergraduates — and they need help. The Wal-Mart-ization of higher education: Keith Hoeller on how young professors are getting screwed. Professors in homeless shelters: Becky Tuch on why it is time to talk seriously about adjuncts. Corey Robin on the responsibility of adjunct intellectuals: Academics write for the public more than ever before but are hampered by precariousness of their profession. Not your dad's academy: Nick Kristof is wrong — professors are more relevant, accessible, and tech-savvy than ever before. Danielle Allen on how professors are working to understand and solve policy problems. Why is academic writing so academic? Joshua Rothman investigates. Ezra Klein on the real reason nobody reads academics. Goodbye to all that: Josh Marshall on why he left the academic life. Does the academy matter? Do policymakers listen? Should you get a Ph.D.? And where are all the women? Nick Anderson reviews Degrees of Inequality: How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream by Suzanne Mettler.