
The elegant, monstrous racism that remains

Joshua Zingher (SUNY-Binghamton): Obama's Unprecedented Coalition and the Future of American Party Competition; and Demographic Change, The Median Voter Theorem, and the Increasing Republicanism of American Whites. Joseph Bafumi (Dartmouth) and Christina M Greer (Fordham): President Obama and the Intensification of Black Threat from 2008 to 2012. From Harvard Law Review, Ellen D. Katz on how the VRAA's proposed preclearance regime would still be vulnerable to attack; and Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis E. Fuentes-Rohwer on why activists ought not settle for the valiant but modest VRAA. Hopes frustrated, many Latinos reject the ballot box altogether. This town needs a better class of racist: Ta-Nehisi Coates on how it's easy for polite American society to condemn Cliven Bundy and banish Donald Sterling while turning away from the elegant, monstrous racism that remains. Are white Republicans more racist than white Democrats? Nate Silver and Allison McCain investigate. Can the Republican Party thrive on white identity? Larry Bartels on how with increasing ethnic diversity, identity politics will cut both ways. “I’ll never apologize for my white privilege” guy is basically most of white America. Conservative money front Intercollegiate Studies Institute is behind Princeton's "white privilege" guy Tal Fortgang. White supremacist’s genocidal paranoia: Toby McCasker goes inside the mind of White Man March founder Kyle Hunt. Is the infamous white-supremacist novel The Turner Diaries a real threat, or just a shitty book for shitty people? W McCormack investigates. Christopher Ingraham on the depressing durability of hate crime. Svati Kirsten Narula on the 5 U.S. counties where racial diversity is highest — and lowest.