
Happiness and its discontents

Bruno S. Frey (Zeppelin) and Alois Stutzer (Basel): The Use of Happiness Research for Public Policy. Bruno S. Frey (Zeppelin) and Jana Gallus (Zurich): Happiness Policy and Economic Development. Gianluigi Coppola (Salerno): The Easterlin Paradox: An Interpretation. Taddese Mezgebo (Mekelle): Something Out of Nothingness: Extended Identity’s Implication for Human Nature and Happiness. Martina Menon and Federico Perali (Verona) and Ravi Pendakur (Ottawa): All in the Family: How Do Social Capital and Material Wellbeing Affect Relational Wellbeing? From New Philosopher, a special issue on happiness. For Margaret Thatcher as for today’s happiness industry, there is no such thing as society. Benjamin Radcliff, author of The Political Economy of Human Happiness, argues that generous welfare states and strong labor market protections produce happier citizens than do more laissez-faire policies. Eugenio Proto and Aldo Rustichini on GDP and life satisfaction: New evidence. Andrew Anthony on Nick Brown, the British amateur who debunked the mathematics of happiness. Mari Ruti on happiness and its discontents. John Quiggin on what happiness conceals: For years, economists have laboured on the riddle of happiness — if they studied misery, they might get somewhere. Even though the search for happiness is never in short supply, as is the case with other human commodities, happiness merely remains an elusive possibility for all who seek it. Be happier — spend more money on others: A round-up of recent research finds spending money on others can satisfy basic psychological needs and boost happiness.