
Class divides Americans today

Zachary D. Liscow (Yale): Reducing Inequality on the Cheap: When Legal Rule Design Should Incorporate Equity as Well as Efficiency. Roy Van der Weide and Branko Milanovic (World Bank): Inequality is Bad for Growth of the Poor (But Not for that of the Rich). Harry Stein on how the government subsidizes wealth inequality. Hamilton Nolan on the paucity of the pro-inequality argument. Paul Krugman on inequality denial: It persists because there are groups with a strong interest in creating a fog of doubt. Joseph Stiglitz on the myth of America’s golden age: “What growing up in Gary, Indiana, taught me about inequality”; and on why inequality is not inevitable. Lina Khan and Sandeep Vaheesan on how America became uncompetitive and unequal. David Leonhardt on how inequality has been going on forever, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. Could politics trump economics as reason for growing income inequality? Eduardo Porter on the politics of income inequality. Growing apart: Colin Gordon on a political history of American inequality. Robert Reich on how to shrink inequality. Addressing wealth disparities: Goldburn P. Maynard Jr. on reimagining wealth taxation as a tool for building wealth. Life, liberty and the pursuit of property: Sean McElwee on how the solution to America’s growing inequality may lie in democratizing company ownership. “Bloodiest thing the world has seen”: Elias Isquith interviews David Cay Johnston, author of Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality. Class in America: Seven writers, editors, and thinkers discuss how class divides Americans today and what we can do to fix America's inequality problem — a symposium.