
Who is indigenous?

Erika Sarivaara, Kaarina Maatta, and Satu Uusiautti (Lapland): Who Is Indigenous? Definitions of Indigeneity. Rashwet Shrinkhal (Jharkhand): Problems in Defining “Indigenous Peoples” Under International Law. Kate Buttery and Shin Imai (York): Indigenous Belonging: A Commentary on Membership and Identity in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Mauro Barelli (City): The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property Rights. Liam Midzain-Gobin (Ottawa): The Right Response: Investigating the Limits of a Rights-based Discourse for the International Indigenous Movement. Juan Loera (UC-CL): The Power of Wellbeing Discourses among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People. George Nicholas (Simon Fraser): Indigenous Archaeology. Ghislain Otis and Aurelie Laurent (Ottawa): Indigenous Land Claims in Europe. Michael Hromek and Stephen Harfield (UTS): Looking from Within, What Comes Out? An Indigenous Perspective on Community and Urbanism. Fiona Allison and Chris Cunneen (James Cook): Indigenous Justice Agreements. Chris Cunneen and Simone Rowe (James Cook): Decolonising Indigenous Victimisation. Joe Watkins (Oklahoma) and George Nicholas (Simon Fraser): Why Indigenous Archaeology is Important as a Means of Changing Relationships between Archaeologists and Indigenous Communities. Steven Wheatley (Lancaster): Conceptualizing the Authority of the Sovereign State Over Indigenous Peoples. The Jarawa tribe in India's Andaman islands face extinction as poaching and tourism threaten their survival. Jennifer Kennedy on the plight of the Chagossians. A review essay on contemporary indigenous affairs by Elizabeth Strakosch. Amazon tribe makes “first contact” with outside world.