
The meaning of democracy

George Tridimas (Ulster): Why Some Democracies Are Headed by a Monarch? Douglas Chalmers (Columbia): Putting Elections in Their Place: The Limits of their Role in a Representative Democracy. Staffan I. Lindberg (Gothenburg), Michael Coppedge (Notre Dame), John Gerring (BU), and Jan Teorell (Lund): V-DEM: A New Way to Measure Democracy. Besir Ceka (UNC) and Pedro C. Magalhaes (Lisbon): The Meaning of Democracy and its Determinants. Johan Karlsson Schaffer (Oslo): Conflict of Interest: Inclusion and Transformation in Democratic Theory. Gary Lucas, Jr. (Texas A&M): Out of Sight, Out of Mind: How Opportunity Cost Neglect Undermines Democracy. David Altman (UC-CL): Strengthening Democratic Quality: Reactive Deliberation in the Context of Direct Democracy. Didier Caluwaerts (VUB) and Juan E. Ugarriza (El Rosario): Beating the Odds: Confrontational Deliberative Democracy. Seva Gunitsky (Toronto): From Shocks to Waves: Hegemonic Transitions and Democratization in the Twentieth Century. Disappointed democracy: Andrew Gamble reviews The Confidence Trap: A History of Democracy in Crisis from World War I to the Present by David Runciman and Democracy: All That Matters by Steven Beller. Democracies are notoriously short-sighted; Thomas Wells on how, with one simple device, we could give unborn citizens a say in our present. The party’s over: Jan-Werner Muller reviews Ruling the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy by Peter Mair. Dani Rodrik on rethinking democracy. Herbert J. Gans on fixing representative democracy. Democracy was once a comforting fiction — has it become an uninhabitable one? A review essay on democracy by Thomas Meaney and Yascha Mounk.