
When is a thing more than just a thing?

Stephen Marrin (James Madison): Why Intelligence Analysis has Limited Influence on American Foreign Policy. John Borek (Walden): Developing an Understanding of Analytic Tradecraft in the Intelligence Community. Kenneth D. Chestek (Wyoming): Of Reptiles and Velcro: The Brain's “Negativity Bias” and Persuasion. Micah K. Jensen (Georgetown): Public Opinion Gender Gaps among Sexual Minorities. David Robinson (Glasgow): Basic Colours in the Bible. Paternalism 2.0: American employers are rethinking their role in workers’ health care after Obamacare. Ending college sexual assault: Can Obama’s new campaign bring change? Alan Feuersept on the rise and fall of Jimmy Cournoyer, the biggest pot dealer in New York City history. When is a thing more than just a thing? John Semley reviews Event: A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept by Slavoj Zizek. Here is a Master thesis from 1950 titled “A Survey of the Economic Philosophy of Herbert Hoover” by Delbert E. Rice, Jr. Where I’m from: Aisha Harris on how a trip to Kenya changed the way she thinks about the terms African-American and black American. Have you watched this airstrike in Iraq? Daniel Altman on how to get away with almost anything: How evildoers benefit from the world's ADD. Murtaza Hussain on how Obama's best hope against ISIS was just killed, so let's make friends with Iran. 5 questions about the war against ISIS that no one should be embarrassed to ask. Graeme Wood on the three types of people who fight for ISIS: A breakdown of the most evil group on the planet. Armed and “innocent”: Mia Bloom on how terrorist groups are institutionalizing the recruitment of children. Robert Farley on what looks like a clusterfuck.