
Feminism and neoliberal individualism

R. Sandra Schillo, Meng Jin, and Ajax Persaud (Ottawa): Do Gendered Social Institutions and Resources Promote Women Entrepreneurial Intentions? A look at 7 female CEOs who inspire us all to be cogs in the capitalist machine. Bryce Covert on how the wage gap makes perfect sense when tech executives say what they really think about women. Ann Friedman on how events for “powerful women” don’t empower anyone. America's anti-feminist mega-corporations' toxic disregard for women must stop: Here's corporations' basic message to women — Just "lean in", and if leaning in leaves no time for marriage or kids, here's a free freezer for your eggs. Catherine Rottenberg (Ben Gurion): The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism. Sara Jaffe on how neoliberal feminists don’t want women to organize. “I am a victim of nothing but my own bad choices”: Alison Phipps on Women Against Feminism and neoliberal individualism. Mariah Blake on the men's rights movement and the women who love it: Some of movement's fiercest activists aren't men. Katie McDonough on the women of the men’s rights movement: Why they see feminism as a “personality disorder”. Choire Sicha on Andrea Dworkin, men's rights advocate. Michelle Smith on how women who hate on feminists hurt all women. Amanda Hess on the rise of the ironic man-hater. Ironic misandry: Sarah Begley on why feminists pretending to hate men isn’t funny (and a response by Dayna Evans). Is “feminism” just another word for “liberalism”? There isn't much room for conservative women in the modern feminist agenda. Feminism and its discontents: Harvey Mansfield on “rape culture” at Harvard.