
From the right angle

A new issue of Childhood and Philosophy is out, including Karin Fry (Wisconsin): Lyotard and the Philosopher Child. Lee Anne Fennell (Chicago): Do Not Cite or Circulate. Yanis Varoufakis is telling the world that he is not engaged in a complicated game theoretic bluff — he is very possibly telling the truth, but the problem is that this is exactly what a bluffer would say. From Caribbean Business, Puerto Rico’s bid to become New Age tax haven explored. If you want to feel really old, today is the “future” in Back to the Future. President Paul? Wall Street is on high alert (and more). Sady Doyle on propaganda, power, and porn in Fifty Shades: When you look at it from the right angle, the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is a feminist victory. Ruth Graham on our lost cousins, the Neanderthals: New research suggests they were far more similar to us than we thought — so why did our nearest relations really disappear? Susan Berfield and Lindsey Rupp go behind the decline of Abercrombie and Fitch and the fall of its mastermind, Michael Jeffries. Kenneth Himma argues it is morally wrong, given ordinary moral intuitions about child-bearing decisions together with the traditional Christian doctrines of hell and salvific exclusivism, to bring a child in the world when the probability that she will spend an eternal afterlife suffering the torments of hell is as high as it would be if these two doctrines are true.