
A separating equilibrium

Jack M. Balkin (Yale): The Path of Robotics Law. Omari Scott Simmons (Wake Forest): Delaware’s Global Threat. Mary Anne Franks (Miami): Real Men Advance, Real Women Retreat: Stand Your Ground, Battered Women's Syndrome, and Violence as Male Privilege. From The Baffler, George Scialabba on how people who influence influential people are the most influential people in the world. As another weekend of anti-Semitism sweeps Europe, Jews weigh their options. Ellen Pao is following Anita Hill’s example: Bryce Covert on how taking sexual discrimination claims public forces cultural change. Conservatives hate the Iran deal because they hate all deals. Rajiv Sethi on a separating equilibrium in Indiana. A private investigator making inquiries about Andrew Ross, a professor who criticized the exploitation of migrant workers building the university’s Abu Dhabi campus, won’t say whom she is working for. Tom Vanderbilt goes inside the mad, mad world of TripAdvisor: Research almost any travel destination and you'll probably wind up on travel-industry Goliath, where passionate people praise and denounce everything from romantic getaways to cockroach-infested hotel rooms — but who can you trust? The Middle East maelstrom is ruining the narratives about the Iran negotiations. A dummy’s guide to a possible nuclear deal with Iran. From Petersen's Bowhunting, how much of the outcome of each season do you control, and how much is just luck?