
The conversation about the Israel lobby

From Dissent, Mitchell Cohen on anti-Semitism and the Left that doesn’t learn. It's past time to bury the Hitler analogy: Comparing foreign leaders to Adolf Hitler has long been a way of US leaders to start hot wars and fan cold ones — but the Munich analogy isn't just inaccurate, it's dangerous. It may be going too far to call Norman Podhoretz, the venerable editor at-large of Commentary, a "warmonger". More on World War IV. From Forward, an article on the Jewish lobby Israel needs, and more and more and more and more and more on The Israel LobbyMissing the conversation about the Israel lobby: Mearsheimer and Walt's The Israel Lobby lacks scholarly thoroughness — and misses the debate among Jews over Israel. From American Heritage, an article on the confusing moment when Israel was conceived. Back in the ghetto: The Israeli Right nurtures the image of the nation of Israel as a bastion under eternal siege but fails to see that Israel is laying siege to the Palestinians — the window of opportunity opened by the Oslo agreement has been closed for good.