
Laws of social science

Robert Dodgshon (Aberystwyth): Geography’s Place in Time. Rich Hutchings and Marina La Salle (VIU): Archaeology as Disaster Capitalism. Edvardas Giedraitis (Vytautas Magnus): When I Hear the Word Methodology I Reach for My Revolver. Charlie Hobbs (Texas State) and Gabriel Torres (Notre Dame): The Intertwining of Culture and Nature: Franz Boas, John Dewey, and Deweyan Strands of American Anthropology. Daniel Little on the history of sociology. Sociology as class war: Eve Tushnet on how progressive social scientists want to help poor people but won’t learn from them. Is the field of psychology biased against conservatives? Maria Konnikova investigates. Piercarlo Valdesolo on fixing the problem of liberal bias in social psychology. Gabriel J. Michael (Yale): Who's Afraid of Wikileaks? Missed Opportunities in Political Science Research. Shauna Shames on political science’s gender problem. William J. Kelleher on the Clarke and Primo liberating conception of good work in political science. Economists still think economics is the best.

Fernando Chafim (Campinas): Disciplinary Division of Scientific Labor: Lessons from Critical Naturalism to Economics Imperialism and Pluralism. Thirty under 30: Avital Andrews on the top young thinkers in economics, education, and political science. Ezra Klein on the 3 laws of social science. Suppose, for a moment, you were teaching your college students social theory, but that you were back in 1750 — who would you want your students to have at hand to read? The introduction to The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences by Brian Epstein. Sean Phelan reviews Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences by Michael Billig. The political science research project gone wrong that roiled Montana in the run-up to the November elections has now gotten two elite universities into a heap of legal trouble — and could create all kinds of new headaches for social science researchers. Tell the House to oppose cuts to NSF Social Science in H.R. 1806 (and more).