
Against religious exclusivist doctrines

Kenneth Einar Himma (Washington): I Can't Help What I Believe: The Moral Case Against Religious Exclusivist Doctrines. Jyotirmaya Sharma (Hyderabad): My Religion Is Less Violent than Yours: Myth, History and the Representation of Violence. Balbinder Singh Bhogal (Hofstra): The Facts of Colonial Modernity and the Story of Sikhism. Bruce Lawrence (Duke): Rethinking Muslim Cosmopolitanism: Civilizational Moorings/Cosmopolitan Options (and more). Carole Baker (Duke): Must We Mean What We Make? Freedom and Responsibility in Artistic Practice; Or, Can We Think Ethically about Depicting the Prophet Muhammad? Yuval Jobani (Tel Aviv) and Nahshon Perez (Bar Ilan): Women of the Wall: A Normative Analysis of the Place of Religion in the Public Sphere. The introduction to Human Nature and Jewish Thought: Judaism’s Case for Why Persons Matter by Alan L. Mittleman. Giuliana Chamedes on Catholics, anti-Semitism, and the human rights swerve. Gerald O’Collins reviews Vatican II: Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims by Gavin D’Costa. The introduction to Pagans and Philosophers: The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz by John Marenbon.