
The case of South America

Daniel Vedia-Jerez and Julie Le Gallo (CRESE): Factors of Income Inequality Over the Last Half Century: The Case of South America. Jeffery R Webber (Queen Mary): Dual Powers, Class Compositions, and the Venezuelan People. Venezuelans should stop laughing at their misfortunes and actually do something about them. Joel Gillin on how America keeps disgracing itself in Colombia. Samuele Mazzolini (Essex): Left-wing Populism in Ecuador: Preliminary Notes on the Potentialities and Risks of Constructing a “People”. William Finnegan on the brutal quest for gold in the ice-capped Peruvian Andes. Robert F. Hamilton (Mississippi) and Miguel Centellas (Jackson State): Reconsidering Chilean Exceptionalism: Politics in the Early Twentieth-Century Southern Cone. Fernando Leiva (UC-Santa Cruz): Chile's Grupo Luksic, the Center-Left and the “New Spirit” of Capital in Latin America (and more). Aaron Tauss (UNALMED): Revisiting Argentina’s Recuperated Factories: Reflections on Over a Decade of Workers’ Control. Fabian Bosoer and Federico Finchelstein on Latin America, the populists vs the people.