
Justice for children

Gottfried Schweiger and Gunter Graf (Salzburg): A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty. Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg): Humiliation and Justice for Children Living in Poverty. Roberto A. Ferdman on the remarkable thing that happens to poor kids when you give their parents a little money. Jesse Singal on how parents’ unpredictable work schedules harm kids. Noam Scheiber on how an area’s union membership can predict children’s advancement. Claude S. Fischer reviews Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert Putnam and Labor’s Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working-Class Family in America by Andrew Cherlin. Bryce Covert on the unusual alliance trying to fix America’s broken child care system. Radley Balko on child protective services and the criminalization of parenthood. When did parents get so scared? When you were a kid, you probably spent hours outside and unsupervised — it’s not that way anymore. Dear parents: This is what happens when you tell your kids they’re better at sports than they actually are. Parents: Let your kids fail — you’ll be doing them a favor.