
Real roots

Sean Phelan (Massey): Reinvigorating Ideology Critique: Between Trust and Suspicion. David Dayen on the real roots of the Rising Right: Financial crises always result in a far-right political bump, a new study finds — but Democrats made this one worse. They are known as Three Percenters, followers of a “patriot” movement that has rallied against gun control efforts nationwide, patrolled the U.S. border with Mexico and recently begun confronting Muslim Americans. David Leonhardt on intact families, continued: The red-county advantage. The real war on families: Sharon Lerner on why the U.S. needs paid leave now. Our bodies, ourselves: Caitlin Doughty, artisanal undertaker, wants to bring death back home. Benedict Anderson, a Cornell University scholar who became one of the most influential voices in the fields of nationalism and Southeast Asian studies, died Sunday (and more).