
A tremendous impact

Wesley M. Oliver (Duquesne): Bill Cosby, the Lustful Disposition Exception, and the Doctrine of Chances. Thomas Wright on Trump’s 19th century foreign policy: His views aren’t as confused as they seem — in fact, they’re remarkably consistent and they have a long history (and more). The conservative media insist Barack Obama’s executive orders on gun control are simultaneously useless and a menace to liberty. Pamela Burger on women’s groups and the rise of the book club. Readers of romance fiction enjoy tales of alpha males and forced seduction — could they still be considered feminists? The sinister message behind the slogan that seduced the nation: Keep Calm and Carry On has become ubiquitous — how did a cosy, middle-class joke assume darker connotations? From Star Wars to Starship Troopers, science fiction has had a tremendous impact on American political life.