
How to understand Trump’s appeal

Jennifer Saul (Sheffield): Dogwhistles, Political Manipulation and Philosophy of Language. No dogwhistle here: Georgia State Rep. Tommy Benton (R) praises KKK, wants new holiday to honor Confederacy. Benjamin Denison on how to understand Trump’s appeal to resentful whites: “Nobody's looking out for the white guy any more”. Bruce Bartlett on Donald Trump and “reverse racism”. Scott McLemee reviews Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy by Edward H. Miller. A conservative explains how grifters, buck-rakers and scoundrels have poisoned his movement: An excerpt from Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots by Matt K. Lewis. Chris Cillizza on how Barack Obama’s presidency has been a very good thing for Republicans. American rage: Esquire surveys 3,000 Americans about who’s angriest, what’s making them angry, and who’s to blame (and more).