
Is it time to just give everyone some money?

Jurgen De Wispelaere and Leticia Morales (McGill): The Stability of Basic Income: A Constitutional Solution for a Political Problem? From The Washington Post’s In Theory, Christine Emba introduces a symposium on universal basic income. Tom Streithorst on a new golden age: The basic income guarantee. Finnish politicians are discussing a drastic economic policy: paying every citizen a monthly income — could it work? Dylan Matthews on Finland’s hugely exciting experiment in basic income, explained (and more). Matt Bruenig on Silicon Valley and basic income. Ashok Rao on researching basic income. Hamilton Nolan on automation and basic income; on the brilliant simplicity of a guaranteed minimum income; and is it time to just give everyone some money? Just give welfare to everyone. Annie Lowrey on why it’s time for welfare reform again. Basic income is a welfare strategy. Ben Schiller on how a universal basic income is the bipartisan solution to poverty we’ve been waiting for.