
Finding our place in the world

From Adbusters, one world, one market: A look at how advertising breaks down cultures. A new issue of Cultural Survival is out, on reparations for indigenous peoples. From American Diplomacy, an article on Easter Island: What to learn from the puzzles? The globe, politically corrected: You say Mumbai, I say Bombay — and other international linguistic incidents. Is it better to live in Iceland than in Norway? The Numbers Guy finds out. For nations, small is beautiful: People tend to treat countries that split up a bit like married couples — it is a sad event, but since the traditional disadvantages of being a tiddly country are disappearing, you are just left with the advantages. A review of Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations by John Ryan, George Dunford, and Simon Sellars. From Strange Maps, a look at the "Humbead’s Revised Map of the World With List of Population". From the glove compartment to the shelf: A review of books on maps. What is a map? A collection of unusual maps from Maps: Finding Our Place in the World. A review of Cartographia: Mapping Civilizations by Vincent Virga (and more). A review of Historical Atlas of California by Derek Hayes.