
Inside the artificial intelligence revolution

The race is on to control artificial intelligence, and tech’s future. The future of Microsoft is chatbots: CEO Satya Nadella bets big on artificial intelligence that will be fast, smart, friendly, helpful, and (fingers crossed) not at all racist. Tom Simonite on how Google plans to solve artificial intelligence: Mastering Go is just the beginning for Google DeepMind, which hopes to create human-like AI. A Google AI “godfather” Geoffrey Hinton says machines could match human abilities in “more than 5 years”. Jeff Goodell goes inside the artificial intelligence revolution (and part 2). Steve Lohr on how the promise of artificial intelligence unfolds in small steps. Hannah Devlin on killer robots and digital doctors: How can we protect society from AI? Demis Hassabis, the superhero of artificial intelligence: Can this genius keep it in check?

Amitai Etzioni (George Washington) and Oren Etzioni (Washington): Keeping AI Legal. What kind of legal rights should robots have? A new paper argues that courts need to keep up with technology, or risk angering our future overlords. Our machines could become self-aware without our knowing it — we need a better way to define and test for consciousness. Susan Schneider on the problem of AI consciousness. George Dvorsky on how everything you know about artificial intelligence is wrong.