
Greater today than it was

Ginger Ging-Dwan Boyd (New School): The Girl Effect: A Neoliberal Instrumentalization of Gender Equality. James Carden on how the threat of nuclear weapons is greater today than it was during the Cold War: “There is no rational reason to feel secure today”. Of all the horrors that have befallen Iraq, the Islamic State bombing that killed 29 children on a soccer field is one of the most shocking. Jonathan Chait on the hopeless Republican establishment plan to stop Ted Cruz and Donald Trumpl; and on how Trump’s health-care plan is no crazier than other Republican health-care plans. Jessa Crispin on the self-hating book critic. Francis Wilkinson on how a convention coup endangers the Republican Party. The mainstream U.S. press has recently become willing to label a leading politician racist — can this last? Larry Summers on how data collection is the ultimate public good. The best way to pay for an infrastructure surge is to not pay for it at all.