
Dimensions of transhuman worlds

Daryl J. Wennemann (Fontbonne): What World Do We Want? Michael Morrison (Oxford): STS and Enhancement Technologies: A Program for Future Research. Could a drug make us nicer people? Jonathon Keats reviews The Myth of the Moral Brain: The Limits of Moral Enhancement by Harris Wiseman. Genetically modified mice reveal the secret to a painless life: Researchers have discovered the pharmaceutical recipe for painlessness. How could we make life on earth a utopia? David Roden (Open): Post-Singularity Entities in Film and TV. The Singularity and the neural code: John Horgan on how bionic convergence and psychic uploading won’t be possible unless we crack the neural code, science’s hardest problem. Woody Evans (TWU): Posthuman Rights: Dimensions of Transhuman Worlds. Are cyborgs real? Frieda Klotz visits the world’s first cyborg fair.

Andrew Aghapour interviews Zoltan Istvan, the first transhumanist candidate. You can download Envisaging Politics 2.0: How AIs, Cyborgs, and Transhumanism Can Enhance Democracy and Improve Society, ed. David W. Wood and Alexander J. Karran.