
Tax lives

Tsilly Dagan (Bar-Ilan): International Tax and Global Justice. Why are some nations’ citizens more likely to cheat on their taxes? John D’Attoma and Sven Steinmo investigate. Adrienne LeBas on how research from Nigeria shows us how a government can build a tax base. Are tax rates primarily determined by war? Torsten Bell reviews Taxing the Rich: A History of Fiscal Fairness in the United States and Europe by Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage. Donald B. Marron (Urban Institute): Should We Tax Internalities Like Externalities? Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner (Chicago): Toward a Pigovian State. Yehonatan Givati (HUJI): Googling a Free Lunch: The Taxation of Fringe Benefits. Shu-Yi Oei (Tulane) and Diane M. Ring (BC): The Tax Lives of Uber Drivers: Evidence from Internet Discussion Forums.

Bret N. Bogenschneider and Matthias Kasper (Vienna): The Human Subconscious and Taxation. Tsilly Dagan (Bar-Ilan): The Currency of Taxation (“a systemic phenomenon through which the powerful social instrument of income taxation contributes to the construction of our identities as well as our interactions with one another”).

Donald Rumsfeld seems confused about the purpose of the IRS. One reason tax returns are so complicated? Because H&R Block and other preparers like it that way. Christopher Faricy on how the U.S. tax system disadvantages racial minorities. Undeserving capital: This Tax Day, make the wealthy pay — you made them rich to begin with. Happy Tax Day — now, let’s get to work on that messy tax code of ours.