
The poet’s search for himself

From The Chronicle, never mind Grendel: Can Beowulf conquer the 21st-century guilt trip? A review of The Lodger: Shakespeare on Silver Street by Charles Nicholl. Who is the "other Shakespeare"? A contemporary who excelled at bawdy comedies and gory tragedies alike, Thomas Middleton is about to be "inserted into modern culture". From the Oxford Review of Books, a review of Being Shelley: The Poet’s Search for Himself by Anne Wroe and Death and the Maidens: Fanny Wollstonecraft and the Shelley Circle by Janet Todd. Terry Eagleton on sex, art and transformation as the original political vision: Dissent and emancipation were holy for William Blake — he could teach our prime minister so much about how to be radical. William Blake had flaws, but 250 years after his birth, his humanist ambition is still — like his Tyger — "burning bright".