
On the way

Douglas Walton (Windsor): The Basic Slippery Slope Argument. The awful diseases on the way: Annie Sparrow reviews Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond by Sonia Shah. Uber for failure: How on-demand startups crash and burn. Ruth Dudley Edwards on how Americans pushed the Irish to war: Militant Irish-Americans stoked and financed the political violence that still poisons Ireland today. President Obama just said we shouldn’t shame women for having sex. Matt Thompson on the Orlando-shooting victims who may have been outed by the attacks. Alexander Chee on the courage of being queer: The LGBT community will turn grief into resolve after the Orlando massacre. Double jeopardy: Raillan Brooks on being queer and Muslim in America. Gabe Ortiz on how being gay in America is still a radical act.