
Living forever has never been more popular

What’s wrong with Craig Venter? The multi-millionaire maverick says he can help you live a better, longer life. Can this woman cure ageing with gene therapy? Biotech boss Elizabeth Parrish has tried out her company’s anti-ageing gene therapy with, she says, amazing results. An MIT scientist claims that this pill is the Fountain of Youth: Leonard Guarente is certain he’s succeeded where doctors (and quacks) before him have failed — his pill will either extend lives or tarnish his career. Why aging isn’t inevitable: Josh Mitteldorf and Dorion Sagan on how the great variety of aging styles among plants and animals suggests it can be controlled. Cheating death: Science is getting to grips with ways to slow ageing — rejoice, as long as the side-effects can be managed. The immortality hype: Despite the hyperbole, private funding is changing the science of aging for the better.

Peter Thiel is right about one thing: Calling for an end to aging and mortality. Simon Davis on how humans could one day evolve to live forever. Lucas Rizzotto on how we can all live “forever” — and we need to talk about it. Live forever: Kate Knibbs on a weekend watching the promise of immortality get sold and bought at the Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival. Zoltan Istvan on how living forever has never been more popular. Some people want to live forever, here’s how they try. Some people choose to be frozen at death — here’s how it happens (and more at New Scientist). Anya Bernstein (Harvard): Freeze, Die, Come to Life: The Many Paths to Immortality in Post-Soviet Russia. Generation Cryo: George Dvorsky on fighting death in the frozen unknown. Are cryonics patients property?

Transhumanist Alexey Turchin records everything around him so his mind will live forever. Scientists aim to let us speak from beyond the grave: Advances in artificial intelligence could give us digital immortality, distilling a lifetime’s worth of online presence into a deathless version of ourselves.