
Trump risks war

The danger of politicizing intelligence: Donald Trump will try to bend the CIA to his will — America is still recovering from the last time a president did that. Flynn deputy raises more doubts about Trump team: Former Fox analyst K.T. McFarland, out of government for three decades, is the unlikely choice for the pressure-filled job of No. 2 at the National Security Council. Why Trump makes this small country so nervous: Russia is always a threat, but now they’re worried the U.S. won’t back them up. Europeans debate nuclear self-defense after Trump win. China flies nuclear bomber over South China Sea as a “message” to Donald Trump. Trump is trying to use Taiwan as a bargaining chip with China — bad idea. Trump risks war by turning the One China question into a bargaining chip.

“Reminder: 39 days until Trump (and his ‘friends’) gains access to an army of flying killer robots and codes to 6,970 nuclear warheads”.