
Trump's fetish for nukes is infinitely more terrifying

Trump, promising arms race, could set world on uncertain path. Vladimir Putin, unsurprised by Trump's remarks, says Russia wants no nuclear arms race. Trump releases letter from Putin amid talk of nuclear arms race: The timing is interesting. Trump and Putin, the worst case scenario: Rather than engaging in an arms race against each other, Trump and Putin are possibly teaming up as nuclear partners against shared targets. How Donald Trump creates a foreign policy blunder — in three easy steps. Call me a coddled snowflake, but Trump's fetish for nukes is infinitely more terrifying than his other outrages. Senator Jeff Merkley says Trump has "maturity of a 5-year-old" — which makes nuke talk very scary.

Alex Wellerstein on the president and the bomb: "The entire point of the US command and control system is to guarantee that the President and only the President is capable of authorizing nuclear war whenever he needs to". Could Trump help unleash nuclear catastrophe with a single tweet? Yes. World War Three, by mistake: Harsh political rhetoric, combined with the vulnerability of the nuclear command-and-control system, has made the risk of global catastrophe greater than ever.